From the New Testament, we know of at least six major ideas why Holy Communion are presented:Thanksgiving, fellowship, remembrance, sacrifice, action of the Holy Spirit, eschatology.
1. Thanksgiving
Holy Communion is Eucharist - an act of thanksgiving. As we commune we express joyful thanks for God’s mighty acts throughout history for creation, covenant, redemption and sanctification.
2. Fellowship
Holy Communion is the communion of the church - the gathering of faithful community locally and universal.
3. Remembrance
Holy Communion is remembrance, commemoration and memorial. Christ is risen and is alive here and now, not just remembered for what was done in the past.
4. Sacrifice
Holy Communion is a type of sacrifice, a re-presentation not a repetition of the sacrifice of Christ.
5. Action of the Holy Spirit
Holy Communion is a vehicle of God’s grace through the action of the Holy Spirit. The epiclesis (Greek meaning ‘calling upon’) is the part of the Great Thanksgiving that calls the Spirit.
6. EschatologyHoly Communion is eschatological having to do with the end of history, the outcome of God’s purpose for the world. “Christ had died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.Invitation to the Lord’s Table Principle: The invitation to the Table comes from the risen and present Christ. Christ invites to his Table those who love him, repent of sin and seek to live as Christian disciples. By responding to this invitation, we affirm and deepen our personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ and our commitment to membership and mission in the body of Christ.
Principle: Unworthiness – We do not share in communion because of our worthiness, no one is truly worthy. We come to the Eucharist out of our hunger to receive God’s gracious love, to receive forgiveness and healing. Christians come to the Lord’s Table in gratitude for Christ’s mercy toward sinners.
From the New Testament, we know of at least six major ideas why Holy Communion are presented:Thanksgiving, fellowship, remembrance, sacrifice, action of the Holy Spirit, eschatology.
1. Thanksgiving
Holy Communion is Eucharist - an act of thanksgiving. As we commune we express joyful thanks for God’s mighty acts throughout history for creation, covenant, redemption and sanctification.
2. Fellowship
Holy Communion is the communion of the church - the gathering of faithful community locally and universal.
3. Remembrance
Holy Communion is remembrance, commemoration and memorial. Christ is risen and is alive here and now, not just remembered for what was done in the past.
4. Sacrifice
Holy Communion is a type of sacrifice, a re-presentation not a repetition of the sacrifice of Christ.
5. Action of the Holy Spirit
Holy Communion is a vehicle of God’s grace through the action of the Holy Spirit. The epiclesis (Greek meaning ‘calling upon’) is the part of the Great Thanksgiving that calls the Spirit.
6. EschatologyHoly Communion is eschatological having to do with the end of history, the outcome of God’s purpose for the world. “Christ had died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.Invitation to the Lord’s Table Principle: The invitation to the Table comes from the risen and present Christ. Christ invites to his Table those who love him, repent of sin and seek to live as Christian disciples. By responding to this invitation, we affirm and deepen our personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ and our commitment to membership and mission in the body of Christ.
Principle: Unworthiness – We do not share in communion because of our worthiness, no one is truly worthy. We come to the Eucharist out of our hunger to receive God’s gracious love, to receive forgiveness and healing. Christians come to the Lord’s Table in gratitude for Christ’s mercy toward sinners.